
Friday, May 21, 2010

449 Galaxies overlapped by M31 (English - Italiano)

Who has read some of my previous posts knows that I am particularly attracted by the galaxies optically superimposed (Overlapping Galaxies).
Paul Hodge, from University of Washington (Seattle), and Karl Krienke, from Seattle Pacific University (Seattle), published a study on the subject available at the following link.
In particular, starting from the study of 30 images of the Galaxy M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy) captured by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) they have identified and analyzed 449 galaxies visible throught the disk of the galaxy itself.
Happy reading.

M31 in Infrared
 Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA
Chi ha letto alcuni miei precedenti post sa che sono particolarmente attratto dalle galassie otticamente sovrapposte (Overlapping Galaxies).
Paul Hodge, dell'University of Washington (Seattle), e Karl Krienke, della Seattle Pacific University (Seattle), hanno pubblicato uno studio sull'argomento reperibile al seguente link.
In particolare partendo dallo studio di 30 immagini della Galassia M31 (La galassia di Andromeda) catturate dall'Hubble Space Telescope (HST) hanno individuato e analizzato ben 449 galassie visibili attraverso il disco della Galassia stessa.
Buona lettura.

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